The Brick Antenna (6dBi)
5-8 dBi Brick Antenna DesignHere is a design for a simple antenna. While relatively low gain, the big advantages of this antenna are:
Many will recognize that this design is really just a variation on the popular 'Coffee Can' or 'Pringles Can' design. The only advantage of this over those antennas is that you could drive a car over this antenna, and it will not rust. In short - it is ready for permanent mounting. While the full instructions for building your own Brick Antenna are given below. As I recently ran out of the Aluminium tubing, I have started making Brick Antennas from the same material as the Downpipe antennas - i.e 95 x 45 x 0.4 mm ZincAlum. The performance is identical. You can buy some of the harder to get parts, or completely assembled ZincAlum Brick Antennas here .
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